Which Archetype is You?

Justin Spencer-Young
2 min readJun 29, 2021

I have been learning and teaching business finance and value creation for 20 years. I have had more students through my classes than I can count. Students come in all forms. Obviously, their physical characteristics are diverse. But when it comes to mental characteristics there are several archetypes of students. Here are a few of the archetypes. A word of caution, not all students fit neatly into these archetypes and this list is not exhaustive. I am guilty of generalising so be kind. Do any of these archetypes look like you?

1. Eager Beaver. This student always sits at the front row and has done all the preparation work and more. They arrive early and have their books and writing utensils neatly laid out and ready for use. The eager beaver asks lots of questions, is generally good at following instructions and being on time.

2. Flapper. Constantly in a state of panic and expressing how difficult everything is. This person wants to know immediately what will be in the exam and will there be enough time. For them everything is about how they are going to pass the course. Learning for the sake of learning is not what they show up for.

3. Silent Genius. The name says it all. They arrive quietly, almost never ask questions. They get on with in-class exercises. Mostly working alone. When it comes to the exam and assignments, they ace it.

4. Social Butterfly. Of course, this person knows everyone, says hello to the whole class. Arrives in the door with twirl and a smile. The class party and the after-class drinks are the number one priority. Always rallying the troops to attend the next event. You can’t say no to the social butterfly. At the risk of generalising, the social butterfly is nearly always one of the ladies in the class.

5. Show Boat. This archetype is always male, often drives a flashy car, thinks he is funny and has a lot to say. Very opinionated about the world and wants to let everyone know that he has all the answers to life.

6. Laid Back Surfer Dude. This is the student who gives off the vibe that they don’t really care about much. They never write much down. They watch others do the exercises rather than doing it themselves. They often come and go on their own timeline.

7. Get On with It. Many students look like this. No fuss, here to learn. Give us what we need.

Archetypes aside. Every student who arrives in my business finance class brings with them the anxiety of not knowing. My first job is to reduce their anxiety so that their brains are open to learning and engaging with complex material. Knowing the characteristics of the archetypes helps me tailor my messages to that it resonates with as many of my students as possible.

Justin Spencer-Young @fastforwardjsy



Justin Spencer-Young

Daily content creator at Fast Forward Business. Chief Valueologist. Fast Forward Business Podcast…look out for my daily podcast…a shot of value in your day